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(Easy Tips) How to Get Google Adsense Approval Within 24 Hour

Get Google Adsense Approval To Any Blog In Just 20 Days| Easy Tips

Hello friends.,There are a lot of visitors here who have their own blog. The main reason behind a blog is to earn money. If we not consider here affiliate marketing, then placing ads on your blog is the best way to earn money. Adsense is the best way to monetize your blog.You can earn a lot of money through adsense everyday as it provides highest bids, highest CPC and revenue. Believe me there are many bloggers on the web who are making there whole living online and mostly through ads. There are Millions of blogs that are made everyday on various niches. Most of them go to darkness and only some could survive and emerge with power. 

After making a new blog, every blogger has the dream to monetize it with Adsense, but only some can get approved by adsense as it has some strict rules and regulations that every blogger must follow to get approved account. These days there are many applications that reaches adsense everyday, so they can approve only a few. There rules and check are so strict that sometimes even professional blogs or websites get disapproved. Believe, I was myself disapproved 6 times and got approval on 6th ResubmissionBut don't worry, impossible is nothing. You can get an adsense approval for a new blog if you follow some guidelines and make your blog a quality blog. You must follow these from beginning. You need a hard work. When I tried, I got failed 6 times but after following all these steps, I have a approved adsense account.For getting adsense, you need to submit an application. Before submitting you must make your site ready for this. 

Making your Blog ready for applying for Adsense:-

First of all before submitting to Adsense, you need to make sure that your blog met requirements  and rules by Adsense. The moderators in Adsense approve blogs which meet their policy. But don't seriously, some tricks works here. Adsense has a policy that in countries like India and China, your blog must be 6 months old, but there are many who have  got adsense approved with only 1 month old domain. Mine is only 2 month old domain. The main thing which Adsense requires is quality. Your blog and posts must be quality wise best. There are the facts to look before applying to Adsense

Write High Quality Contents:-

The first and important thing that will make your blog qualitywise good is content. You should write High-quality content on your blog. A quality post is well decorated, straght stated and unique. You should not copy paste from anywhere on web. Adsense doesn't allow copyrigjted contents. Also make sure, you are writing sufficient contents, as only 100-200 words are not sufficient to describe your article. A quality post is atleast 500-600 words long and you must make sure you are writng more or atleasr this. 
You should always remember that long posts bring traffic. For ex: if you are writing about Top  games. Don't only write their names, provide their download link and write their description also, say 3-4 lines about them. 

Sufficient Content or Posts:-

One must thing that your blog should have is sufficient number of posts or content. As given on Adsense policy page, your blog should have sufficient content. According to me before applying you should write about 20-30 quality posts under every category on your blog. This is not a fixed number given by Adsense but with these number of posts you will have good chance of getting approved. I got approval with only 15 posts. And don't leave any page blank on your blog as every page should have sufficient content and content must not be copied from anywhere. 
Make sure that all your pages have minimum 500 words or more. It would me more if you increase your posts's length. Write 2-3 lengthy posts with about 1500-2000 words. 

Don't fill Adsense violating content:-

The another thing you should take care of is that your blog should not violate adsense rules. Adsense has announced that adult content, copyright content,drugs related and any other violating content containing website will not be approved. So write quality posts and make sure your content comply with adsense policies.

Have a nice Blog design and template:-

Remember 'First impression is the last impression' . Not only posts quality but your blog looking and design also matters as blog structure attracts visitors towards your blog. You should use a good template and blog's header, content area, footer and sidebar should be clean and good looking. 

Imagine if you ever visit a blog and if it has bad design, because of background colour, you couldn't read posts and footer, sidebar are filled with annoyinh things, what will you do?  Surely will never visit the website. So always make sure that you blog design should be good. Always think of visitors, what they like. 

Apply with own domain:-

Remember adsense doesn't accept websites with subdomain. So you should buy a domain for your blog. Think which sounds better or
You can buy a domain and hosting from any provider like godaddy etc. According to me .com is the best as it will never go out of fashion. 

Domain should be 6 months old:-

Adsense has a rule that in countries like India, your domain should be 6 months old. But it doesn't matter has people get approval with even 1 monthbold domain. But with a 6 month old domain, chance of approval grow higher

Add Meta Tags Description:-

These days Adsense board gets thousands of application everyday, so it is not possible to review each. So they use crawler bots to crawl your blog.
Meta title tag would be about 69 letters with spaces and Description tag be about 150 characters. So make sure to specift these. 

Don't use copyrighted Material or Images:-

Make sure that your blog is unique and all posts are written by yourself and not copied from anywhere as adsense bans these. While using images, if your saving them from google search , just remove them as Adsense doesn't allow copyrighted things. There are many websites which provide free images. 

Don't worry of visitors:-

Visitors are not a factor of approval as no one will check in Adsense.If No. Of visitors in your blog Are Low Then don't worry.  Remember, every business start with small things and grow slowly. But don't worry of visitors. So friends if you use these guidelines, you will surely have a approved adsense account. Be patient and do your work. 

Final Words:-
                             So Guys These Are Some Tips To Get Google Adsense Approval In 20-30 Days. You Also Have To Follow These Guides And Tips To Make Your Blog Ready To Get Adsense Approval. Yes Guys I Also Followed these Tips And Get Google Adsense Approval In 1 Month. Just Keep In Mind These Tips You Can Easily Get Adsense Approval. If You Have Any Question About This Article Then Ask Me Freely By Commenting Below I Will Try My Best To Help You In Everything. Thank You And Keep Connected With Allinone Tricks.

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About Author: Naresh Yadav :

.I am Naresh Yadav Founder of Allinone tricks. Through allinonetricks i wants to share How to Tutorials , Facebook,whatsapp, Android , And PC realted trick to our readers. Now i am student of 11th class and very Passionated about blogging

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Naresh Yadav

Naresh Yadav

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